I'm a Brockington Parent
Parent Welcome Letter
Dear Parents,
I am honored to serve as the new principal of Brockington Elementary Magnet and feel privileged to be a part of this school family. I recognize that in order to be successful, our children will need support both from home and school. A strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. I ask that you work together with me to ensure that our children achieve at their highest potential.
Communication between us is essential. I am committed to effectively communicating upcoming changes/revisions with procedures/policies that directly impact our students and you within a timely fashion. It is very important to me that you and your child are fully informed. As the Florence 1 Schools 2022-2023 Year-Round Calendar will be followed and the first day for students will be August 1st, it is imperative that I introduce to you our new school logo/colors (shown above) as this affects the student dress code and uniform policy. The faculty and administration still finds that the attire worn by students often distracts them from academic achievement which is the primary purpose of attending school. The continued adoption of the uniform dress code policy will reduce distractions and disruptions caused by clothing, make economic disparities between students less obvious, promote student achievement, and create an orderly learning environment. The uniform dress code policy will consist of khaki bottoms (pants, knee shorts, skirts, and/or skorts) and polo shirts (orange, blue, or white). All students will adhere to the uniform dress code while attending classes, riding buses, or participating in any other school function, unless otherwise indicated by school administration.
Let us always keep our students first and them as our primary focus. I thank you for your support and I look forward to celebrating the collective successes of our students during this upcoming school year.
Wanda Williams-Parrott
Title 1 Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Parents of Brockington Elementary School will be involved in the yearly planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Parent Involvement Policy. Parent Input Forms and surveys are sent home to parents; parent suggestions and concerns are used to update and revise the policy. Each year the policy is distributed to parents at the Title 1 Annual Meeting and Title 1/School Improvement Council (SIC) meetings. The Title 1 Planning Committee/School Improvement Council is comprised of parents, teachers, community members, and administrators. Both meet together monthly to assess the needs of all of the students serviced here at the school. A school-parent compact was also jointly developed with parents, teachers, and community members during those meetings. The compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement.
Parents will be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title 1 Program. Parents attend Title 1 planning meetings, receive surveys periodically throughout the year, receive information in newsletters or announcements, and participate in workshops. An annual meeting is held at the beginning of the school year to inform parents of the school’s participation in the Title I program, to explain the requirements of the program, and the parents’ right to be involved. The Title I Plan is made available, upon request, for review at any time during the school day throughout the school year. Other parent meetings, including parent conferences, will be held at different times throughout the school year. Teachers are also available through emails and telephone calls.
Title 1 funds may be used to pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parent involvement activities, including food, childcare, and materials to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and sessions at different times of the school day and evening hours.
Brockington Elementary School will provide parents with timely information about programs under parent involvement by sending out announcements prior to meetings, posting information on the school/teacher websites, and providing dates on the school newsletters/weekly updates.
Brockington Elementary School will provide assistance to parents in understanding the state’s academic content standards through information provided in registration folders, information on the website, teacher/school newsletters, surveys, and parent/teacher conferences. A description of the curriculum used, what is expected at each grade level for student achievement, and behavior is discussed at the Annual Meeting at the beginning of the school year. Individual Score Reports from SC READY & SCPASS are sent home at the beginning of the school year. Results from the IOWA and CogAT tests are sent home with all second grade students, along with a letter to explain these results. STAR Reading & Math, Lexia and Dreambox will also be used to gather academic data. help monitor their child’s progress in order to improve his/her academic achievement. Weekly folders, interim reports, and quarterly report cards are sent to parents to help monitor their child’s progress in order to improve his/her academic achievement.
Brockington Elementary School will, if requested by parents, give opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children. Responses to any suggestions will be given as soon as possible. Parents review daily student behavior reports in their agendas, review the academic reports through signing weekly folders, and assisting daily with student homework.
BES Title 1 Coordinator